28 Feb 2017
On Wednesday, 22 March (Week 9) we will be hosting a mathematics information session for parents. The session will be 6:00pm – 7:00pm in the school library.
Our guest host will be Anita Chin, who has recently worked at the school with students and staff.
Anita is a leading Australian expert in primary mathematics education. She works with schools across Australia to transform teachers into confident, inspired mathematics educators. She does this by delivering a deep, whole-school understanding of the mathematics curriculum, along with innovative, enlightening teaching techniques that inspire and delight.
Anita is a very engaging presenter and regularly runs workshops will parents.
In the session with parents Anita will cover:
- Tips for helping your child with maths
- Teaching ‘times tables' – multiplication facts
If you would like to attend this information session, please complete the following steps.
- Go to: www.schoolinterviews.com.au
- Enter code: 7b9cj
- Complete details.
Parent Workshop Flyer (pdf 64 KB)